SAC's Primary Combat Wings

     These include the 1, 2, & 3 digit Bombardment, Reconnaissance, Aerial Refueling, Missile and Intelligence Wings.  A wing's mission and descriptive designation often changed, but it retained its numeric designation.  When it acquired Atlas Missiles in 1961, the 380th Bombardment Wing became the 380th Aerospace Wing.   The Atlas were deactivated in 1965, so it once again became the 380th Bombardment Wing.  Once it's bombers were phased out, its mission was confined to refueling so it became the 380th Aerial Refueling Wing.  All names are shown.
      Please note that although they were "Constituted Combat Wings," the fighters are listed separately.

     A page is devoted to each wing.  You can go from any such page to any other by use of the pull down menu, which appears on each page.